Selasa, 31 Desember 2019

My 2019 Self Monitoring and Evaluation

In this year I have seen the physical growth of my son Ancha very rapidly. From what was only at the end of 2018, the height is only at my ear, now it's almost the same height, maybe less than 1 cm. My daughter Aisya's mental health (from bipolar disorder) condition has showed a good progress. Never hurt herself again nor attacked me, so in this year she has never been hospitalized.

At the end of February, we moved, from one large room with an en-suite bathroom, at the compound of Aga family in Megati Kelod Village, to a 3-bed room rental house in one compound owned by Mrs. Adi in Bantas Village, closer to the Ancha school, SMPN 1 East Selemadeg, Tabanan.

In this year I witnessed Mocha, the watch dog of this compound who was pregnant, gave birth to five puppies, breast-fed them… And, one day she almost died of poisoning. Now only Mocha and Oreo are staying with us in Mrs. Adi's rental house.

In 2018, I showered with water once in 2 days, since mid-2019 I could save more water by showering only once in 4 or 5 days.

At the end of 2018, I earned how to make daluman jelly at Rumah Intaran, since the last quarter year I have made daluman jelly several times and even have my own plants, even though they are still in poly bags.

The first half of 2019, significant progress for the process of building an eco-healing village. There were 6 informal discussion sessions with some local residents, 4 meetings with a high education institution and 2 measurement activities in the field. Unfortunately, at the beginning of September I was forced to decide not to continue this process, because the collaborator were not serious in their work, aka carelessly, proven to violate the principle of site analysis. I cannot tolerate such thing.

Since the end of July, I have facilitated my kids to study together. We named the 53 weeks program #SelasaBelajarBersama. There were 18 Tuesdays which were filled with this activity. 5 Tuesdays ware not filled because I was not at home for 3 Tues, and then my two children were not at home for 2 Tues, aka we were not together, including Tuesday night mini. But we still communicate via WA group chat room.

In this year, I attended an international workshop in South Korea in February, an international symposium in Kuta, Bali in late August and an international conference in Johor, Malaysia in October. Oh yeah, I facilitated SNU landscape architecture students to learn about the Bali Traditional Garden via Zoom from my kitchen in Bali. So, there were 4 international activities that I took this year. Not bad ...

In this year, I completed 3 complicated administrative matters: improving my name on the birth certificate, changing religious/belief data on KK (family certificate) and KTP (citizen ID card), and entering Aisya's data into our KK, as a Denpasar citizen as well. Oh yeah, I arranged of driving license also in this year, not complicated but it costed a pretty big fee, Rp 700 thousand, including short driving exercise. Fortunately, it was funded by ACLA. That is, so that I can act as a driver as well as a guide if Prof. Kim or other friends want to visit cultural landscape sites in Bali.

In this year, since the last six months I have been accustomed to only eating rice on average only 1 time each day, reducing the consumption of animal meat and drinking more blue flower water. Drinking coffee and tea also started to reduce sugar.

In this year, almost every day I do physical exercise, yoga and meditation, also sun-bathing in the forenoon until afternoon sunshine, between pk. 10 to pk. 14 for 30 minutes. There was one muscular endurance exercise that last year I could only do for 4 minutes every day, this year I can do it for 5 minutes some seconds every day.

In this year, I cycled bike more than last year, although this year I used to rent a car to travel with my family, because the public transport system in Bali is not getting better, but getting worse.

In this year, I had a small accident, fell on a bicycle while joining a cross-country event in Gunung Salak Village, for almost two months, I couldn't use my left hand as hard as usual. So the lesson I learnt, that cycling for me is not for competition or ceremonial activities, but it is indeed a choice of transportation, and I don't need to rush in riding my bicycle. Just enjoy every moment on my way.

In this year I started work as an artist who do art drawing by order. There are 3 A2 size drawings (two of them are color drawings), 1 A3 size drawings and 16 A4 size drawings.

Almost at the end of this year, on Thursday 26th December to Saturday 28th December I traveled by cycling vice versa, home - Mount Agung. all was about 167 km. Right on Friday, 27 December at 10 am I had managed to plant a Bodhi tree on the body of Mount Agung, and prostrating and praying in front of the little Bodhi tree, to the point and to get back to my parking bike, i walked about 15 km, coz i used "ojek" for about 7 km when went back to my bike at Police station near the district road. So, my mission accomplished, the vows I took were mentioned two years ago, after Mount Agung erupted and the Bali airport was closed.

At the end of this year, I believe more in my love. Love that liberates, with mutual trusts and mutual loyalty, beyond time and space.


Plans for 2020:

1. Completed a sketch of the Korean cultural landscape, on A3 size paper
2. Sharpen drawing and painting skills
3. Make a new passport
4. Register my small business
5. Accompanying my children in learning, especially the #SelasaBelajarBersama program
6. More discipline in maintaining health, including improving consumption patterns.

Happy New Year 2020, Anetha Athena!

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