I remember, Sayangku 김성균... The first time I was at
Bongyudongcheon nujeongwon on November 27, 2015. You drove your car, just with me inside, and we arrived there in the garden at evening, welcomed
by the full moon light... What a beautiful moment!
I remember, my dear Sung-Kyun Kim... Previously, you gave me the full address of this paradise garden via our whatsapp. “Address of Bongyudongcheon garden: Gyeongsangbuk-do province, Mungyeong-si city, Gaeun-eub, Wonbuk-ri. eub is between city and district.” We have even checked the coordinates of our Buddha stone on the map, which is 36°41'047"N 128°00'41.6"E. And, I saved this location link on my laptop and on my phone. I love looking at the maps and satellite imagery. I even marked it on the map with a love symbol.
I remember, Sayangku... touching the snow in the village, and I felt it, so soft, cool and fresh! You took some pictures of me. I really appreciated you always know the right moment to capture me.
I remember, Sayangku... After we had been having dinner in your small wooden cabin, we went out, standing under the light of full moon, we broke the silence of the night ... you shouted out loud, "Niiitaaaaa... I love youuuuu". And, I did the same, "Sayangkuuuuu, I love youuuuu sooo much! The moon and the Buddha rock were our silent witnesses at the magical moment.
And I remember, Sayangku... In the morning, after having our breakfast, we were walking about the garden...
Look, Sayangku, You made me being in this Buddha garden five times. The last two were in 2019, on February 14th ~ 16th and February 19th. The last time we were there was also during the full
moon. At that time I joined in full moon dancing with the
local indigenous village community. Owh, I owe you much, Sayangku... Uncountable!
From now on, I will fast three days every full moon ... to
enjoy my meditation ... a kind of monthly special sacred adoration, to celebrate and to rejoice in our
The coming full moon on the 4th, 5th and 6th of July 2020, the first one, since your tangible Self cannot be with me anymore ... On
the 4th there will be a lunar eclipse, the 5th is the peak of the full moon,
and the 6th, coinciding with the 15th of Dhul Qa'edah, it will be my 53rd birthday in
lunar calendar. Yeah, i was born under a full moon light at 2:40 am. Do you know why is the number 53 so special? This is the Star number, the moment where my star shines the brightest in my lifetime. And you accompany me in our Love.
Wow! It will be pretty goddam good!
Your Lover,
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